Baseball & Softball Hitting Drills
Training Video Series
Illustrated E-book – INSTRUCTIONAL GUIDE
This illustrated instructional e-book is the best place to start if you are serious about getting on the path to successful hitting. Whether you are a beginner or highly skilled professional this guide will help you understand the concepts behind the success of Englishbey Hitting. This is your “Yellow Brick Road” and we will expose the “Wizard” behind the curtain so you waste no more time on hitting myths.
Square It Up Every Time
Function & Drills – VIDEO
For many years Englishbey Hitting has advocated and used lead arm swing drills as a basic teaching method. This new series of videos focuses on the details of lead arm swing drills designed and developed by Steve Englishbey over the last 10 years. With the emphasis on understanding how the Lead arm should function in an elite level swing. When the drills are performed properly you will see continual improvement in swing quickness, speed, angles at impact and increased batting average.
Defeating The Destroyer of Swings
Function & Drills – VIDEO
Simply put, good alignment of bat and body prior to swinging is a vital part of an elite level swing. This new video series demonstrates and discusses the underlying function of bat and body alignment and highlights specific drills to learn efficient back arm action throughout the swing.
If You Really Want to Get Better, Put Down the Bat
Function & Drills – VIDEO
Elite level hitters have learned how to effectively utilize the entire body to swing a bat well. They know how to align body parts with greater efficiency by incorporating the legs and trunk to rotate the body and bat into contact. This new series of videos demonstrates specific functional drills for developing this ability shared by elite hitters.
Why Elite Hitters Do it Better Than You
Function & Drills – VIDEO
In comparison to any hitting information available today, this new series of videos contains most accurate and detailed descriptions of how elite level hitters actually move the body and bat to swing. The video explains specific ways to practice and how to avoid common mistakes. You will shorten your learning curve by practicing the techniques and drills contained in this video.
Characteristics of The Elite Swing
Function – VIDEO Part 1
The “Elite Hitter Habits” instructional video is dedicated to helping players, parents and coaches better understand elite level swing mechanics. It is part one of a two part series which provides valuable insight into the kinds of movement patterns and muscle actions that are involved in creating elite level swing mechanics. It is the most definitive and accurate description of elite level swing mechanics that has ever been produced. By gaining this understanding you will know how to become a more effective hitter or teacher.
Characteristics of the Elite Swing
Function – VIDEO Part 2
This is part two of the “Elite Hitter Habits” instructional video continuing the most definitive and accurate description of elite level swing mechanics. It includes descriptions of basic rhythms, loading patterns, combinations of mobility and stability of joint actions. This video teaches you how to create very quick and coordinated loading and unloading patterns reducing the “transition time” from stride (shift) to the actual unloading of the swing.
Elite Hitter Complete
Elite Swing Video Training Package
Function & Drills – VIDEO
Package includes subscription access to The Elite Hitter: Starting Point, Elite Hitter Habits, Lead Arm Hero, Back Arm Solved, The Pole Drills, Sit And Turn videos and Can you Handle The Truth E-book.